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Our “Secret Sauce”

Our "Secret Sauce"

We’ve got a secret sauce and Ethan talks more about it this month. Click to watch!

Need Help Leasing Your Land?

NextAg Farm Management services for landowners include:

  • Negotiating annual written farm leases
  • Marketing and selling grain, collecting income
  • Pay farm operating expenses and real estate taxes
  • Conduct frequent personal inspections of the farm
  • Provide written crop reports throughout the year
  • Provide annual accounting reports

Think this may be for you? Reach out today! We’d be happy to talk and answer any questions you may still have about the process and what might be right for you.

Drone & Appraisals

A special thank you to all the farmers and livestock producers this week for all you do to help feed the world!

We look forward to another year working alongside our producers in 2023!