Oral lease? Time to give notice…


It’s hard to believe the summer is complete. Kids are headed back to school, and harvest is just around the corner here in the Midwest. The corn has tasseled and pollinated, and soybeans are starting to fill out pods. In many parts of the region, we’ve had timely rains, creating hope for a good harvest. With all the activities going on this time of year, the last thing on people’s minds is end-of-the-year decisions and the 2025 growing season. Time moves quickly and there are decisions to be made that will affect next year’s outcome. For example, if you are on an ORAL lease and thinking about making a tenant change or selling your property this fall or next spring, you must give your tenant notice in writing by September 1st of this year. In Nebraska, the oral lease period runs from March 1st to February 28th of the next year. Per Nebraska statute, you must give 6 months’ notice to your farm tenant to terminate a lease (September 1st) otherwise the tenant has the right to farm the next cropping season.
At NextAg we provide secure annual written leases to avoid any carry-over problems and allow for flexibility for any changes made before the start of a new lease and new crop season. Questions? Reach out today!


Below is the latest drought monitor for the High Plains region.


Live in the Midwest? We serve Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas. This month we’ve conducted appraisals in:

Nebraska – Loup, Dawson, Buffalo, Nuckolls, Harlan, Clay, Adams, Dodge, Lancaster, Thurston, Cuming, Seward

Iowa – Worth

Kansas – Mitchell, Republic


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Weather conditions and crops this summer…

El Niño, La Niña Transition Could Affect Summer

Madelynn Wuestenberg is an agricultural climatologist for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. This role is 100% Extension, so her time is spent developing resources related to climate and agriculture, providing timely climate or weather updates, and studying how climate variability may influence current production systems.

Wuestenberg’s background is in meteorology. She earned a bachelor’s degree in meteorology with a minor in agronomy from Iowa State, then stayed to earn a master’s degree in agricultural meteorology. Wuestenberg’s master’s degree research focused on agro-ecosystem modeling.

Her primary experience is in row crop systems, but she is learning more about specialty crop systems through this position and hopes to serve many kinds of producers in Iowa, she said.

For two years, Wuestenberg served as the vice president for the Central Iowa National Weather Association and helped coordinate an annual Severe Storms and Doppler Radar Conference. Severe weather is not her expertise, but she made many connections through this experience and has strong relationships with meteorologists across the Midwest.


Live in the Midwest? We serve Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas. This month we have conducted appraisals in:

Nebraska: Blaine, Nuckolls, Rock, Pierce, Dakota, Merrick, Thurston, Knox, Saline

Iowa: Harrison

Upcoming Auction

This is an online auction for 80 +/- acres in Wayne County, Nebraska. The 80 +/- acres will be offered in one (1) individual tract. Online bidding will take place beginning at 10:00 am CDT Monday, June 24th, 2024, and will “soft close” at 11:00 am CDT Friday, June 28th, 2024. At 11:00 am CDT on Friday, June 28th, 2024, bidding will continue in five-minute increments until five minutes have passed with no new bids. NextAg Real Estate will be at their office in Pender, Nebraska (715 South 4th Street Pender, NE 68047) from 9:00 am CDT until the conclusion of the online auction. Please come during the scheduled time to discuss the property and if you need assistance with the online bidder registration process. Bidders do not have to be present to bid online, however, you must be available by phone.


Have you used our services before? If so, we’d appreciate a quick two minutes of your time to review us. Please use the QR code below to access our Google listing. Please and thank you!


Planting In Dry Conditions


As of April 11, 2024, the Nebraska Drought Monitor shows 55% of Nebraska in moderate to exceptional drought (D1-D4), compared to 98% a year ago. Planting is critical for everything else that happens during the growing season. This article shares our UNL planting considerations and provides additional considerations when planting in dry conditions.

Agronomic Considerations

Soil Conditions
This is perhaps the most critical component to planting because soil conditions set the stage for the decisions we make regarding planter adjustments, which crop is planted, and planting depth. Some areas of the state received some fall/winter/spring precipitation to help with replenishing soil moisture, while other areas continue to have a lack of subsoil moisture due to a lack of precipitation events. When planting into drier conditions, increased down pressure is most likely necessary; however, be careful of causing any sidewall compaction.

Soil Moisture, Temperature and Planting Depth
Corn needs to absorb 35% of its weight in moisture to complete the imbibition (water uptake) phase of germination. When adequate soil moisture is available, this typically occurs within 48 hours. Soybean needs to absorb 50% of its weight in moisture to complete the imbibition process. When adequate soil moisture is available, recent research has shown imbibition can occur anywhere from eight to 24 hours. Once imbibition has occurred, soybean seeds enter an osmotic phase and are quite tolerant of soil temps as low as 35-40°F, although extended low soil temperatures can be expected to lengthen the germination to the emergence timeframe.

In general, we’d recommend planting…


Live in the Midwest? We serve Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas. This month we have conducted appraisals in:

NEBRASKA: Kearney, Nance, Buffalo, Richardson, Butler, Lancaster, Pawnee, Thurston, Stanton, Gosper

KANSAS: Washington



We would love to hear from you! Have you used our services before? Maybe you know someone who has and you can share this information? We appreciate your reviews, either way. You can use the QR code below to submit your review on Google or share it with someone else. Please and thank you!


Spring Conditions Update


Like you, we are also constantly monitoring conditions throughout the Midwest. You’ll find some of the resources we use below to stay on top of soil, planting and drought conditions, including projections.


Planting is anticipated to begin for many growers in Nebraska in the next few weeks. Based on formal research reports showing increased yields, we have recommended early soybean planting beginning mid- to late-April. This article will take a deeper look into the research on the soybean germination process, particularly when chilling injury can occur, and factors to consider when planting soybeans early.

Soybean Germination Phase: Imbibition
The first soybean germination stage is called the imbibitional phase in which a very fast water uptake typically occurs in less than 24 hours. It can also occur with relatively little soil moisture. A study by UNL researcher W.J. Bramlage et al. showed that when the soybean seed coat was removed, imbibition injury occurred within 30 minutes. With a seed coat, imbibition is slower and a longer exposure would be needed before chilling injury occurs. McDonald Jr. et al. found that the seed coat extended the duration of the imbibition phase to 8 hours. Specht and Rees have amended Table 1 from their study to show the rate at which water uptake occurred in…


Live in the Midwest? We serve Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas. This month we have conducted appraisals in:

NEBRASKA: Thurston, Butler, Antelope, Custer, Phelps, Merrick, Lancaster, Kearney

KANSAS: Phillips

IOWA: Page, Humboldt, Cherokee, Sac, Cerro Gordo


Mid-April approaches and days slowly grow longer. But, irrespective of the calendar, soil temperatures at 4 inches hovered around 40⁰F early this week and seven-day lows stayed near freezing. Our hopes for an early start to the corn planting season may be futile. Nevertheless, warmer temperatures in the forecast will quickly alleviate our concerns and encourage a good start to the planting season. We’ll address here our thinking on planting corn in cold soils as well as the question in our title: Is planting early always best?

What if it Does Stay Cool and Damp?

What do we need to keep in mind as we consider planting corn? This question was summarized last year in CropWatch. Let’s review some of the points we made then.

Before planting, check the weather forecast and soil temperatures for your area. It’s wise to check the soil temperature of each field early in the morning you intend to plant. Wet soils or fields with more crop residue tend to have lower soil temperatures relative to drier soils or fields with less crop residue. Check the seed tag or check with your seed dealer regarding the cold tolerance of your corn hybrids. Be aware that hybrids vary in cold tolerance and company rating scales differ. Cold tests can help ascertain seed viability. Let’s review ideas on cold stress.



Happy Easter to everyone! Enjoy your holiday weekend.


We would love to hear from you! Have you used our services before? Maybe you know someone who has and you can share this information? We appreciate your reviews, either way. You can use the QR code below to submit your review on Google or share it with someone else. Please and thank you!


Certified Appraisal OR Broker Price Opinion?


Certified Appraisal VS. Broker Price Opinion
A common question when it comes to valuing a real estate asset is what type of value do I need? It is a common misconception that an appraisal and a broker price opinion, also known as a market analysis, are the same thing. These terms are sometimes used interchangeably, and while they do have a lot of similarities, they are both very different.

Broker Price Opinion (a.k.a. Market Analysis)
Preparer: Real Estate Broker
Common Uses: Estimate the value of a real estate asset for a real estate sale or set a listing price on a property.
Characteristics: Some characteristics of a Broker Price Opinion are that a range of values is concluded, normally only a simplified sales comparison approach is used, and the report is normally only a few pages.
Pros: There are many pros to this form of opinion of value. Normally a market analysis is…


We have a new office location in Pender, Nebraska to service your Northeast Nebraska appraisal, farm management, and sales needs!
715 S. 4th Street Pender, NE 68047


Live in the Midwest? We serve Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas. This month we have conducted appraisals in:

Nebraska: Thurston, Burt, Dakota, Colfax

Iowa: Kossuth, Polk, Sioux, Harrison

Kansas: Leavenworth


Dryland Cropland in Saunders County, Nebraska

Nice dryland cropland tract with Class II & IV soils. Tiling and terraces in place to help erosion control. Access is available from the north via gravel Main Road & from the south via MM County Road B.

Legal Description: W2NW4SW4 & W2SE4SW4 & SW4SW4 in Section 19-13N-6E of the 6th P.M. in Saunders County, Nebraska. (Parcel ID #000785500)

Total Acres: 82.04 +/-

2022 Real Estate Taxes: $4,440.64

Property Type: Dryland Cropland

Location: 1.5 Miles East of Valparaiso, Nebraska

Mineral Rights: All mineral interest the seller owns, if any, will be conveyed to the buyer(s).

Possession: Full possession will be given at the date of closing agreed to by the parties, subject to an oral lease agreement that terminates on February 29, 2024 (Lease termination notice has been given prior to September 1, 2023).

The property is being sold in AS-IS condition.


We would love to hear from you! Have you used our services before? Maybe you know someone who has and you can share this information? We appreciate your reviews, either way. You can use the QR code below to submit your review on Google or share it with someone else. Please and thank you!


Happy Holidays!


Wishing everyone a very Happy Holiday season! Thank you for choosing NextAg Real Estate in 2023. You have truly made it a wonderful year and we look forward to serving you in 2024!



We have a new office location in Pender, Nebraska to service your Northeast Nebraska appraisal, farm management, and sales needs!
715 S. 4th Street Pender, NE 68047


Live in the Midwest? We serve Nebraska, Iowa, & Kansas. This month we have conducted appraisals in:

Nebraska: Dawson, Thurston, Colfax, Valley, Hooker, Hall, Cuming, Wayne, Buffalo, Knox

Kansas: Leavenworth, Washington, Clay, Saline, Sheridan, McPherson, Reno, Rooks, Harvey


Dryland Cropland in Saunders County, Nebraska

Nice dryland cropland tract with Class II & IV soils. Tiling and terraces in place to help erosion control. Access is available from the north via gravel Main Road & from the south via MM County Road B. 

Legal Description: W2NW4SW4 & W2SE4SW4 & SW4SW4 in Section 19-13N-6E of the 6th P.M. in Saunders County, Nebraska. (Parcel ID #000785500)

Total Acres: 82.04 +/-

2022 Real Estate Taxes: $4,440.64

Property Type: Dryland Cropland

Location: 1.5 Miles East of Valparaiso, Nebraska

Mineral Rights: All mineral interest the seller owns, if any, will be conveyed to the buyer(s).

Possession: Full possession will be given at the date of closing agreed to by the parties, subject to an oral lease agreement that terminates on February 29, 2024 (Lease termination notice has been given prior to September 1, 2023). 

The property is being sold in AS-IS condition.


We would love to hear from you! Have you used our services before? Maybe you know someone who has and you can share this information? We appreciate your reviews, either way. You can use the QR code below to submit your review on Google or share it with someone else. Please and thank you!


Happy Thanksgiving!


We would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving holiday, while also saying thank you to all of our clientele over the course of 2023! We appreciate you and this time of the year is a profound reminder as we count our many blessings.



Dryland Cropland in Saunders County, Nebraska

Nice dryland cropland tract with Class II & IV soils. Tiling and terraces in place to help erosion control. Access is available from the north via gravel Main Road & from the south via MM County Road B.

Legal Description: W2NW4SW4 & W2SE4SW4 & SW4SW4 in Section 19-13N-6E of the 6th P.M. in Saunders County, Nebraska. (Parcel ID #000785500)

Total Acres: 82.04 +/-

2022 Real Estate Taxes: $4,440.64

Property Type: Dryland Cropland

Location: 1.5 Miles East of Valparaiso, Nebraska

Mineral Rights: All mineral interest the seller owns, if any, will be conveyed to the buyer(s).

Possession: Full possession will be given at the date of closing agreed to by the parties, subject to an oral lease agreement that terminates on February 29, 2024 (Lease termination notice has been given prior to September 1, 2023).

The property is being sold in AS-IS condition.


Live in the Midwest? We serve Nebraska, Iowa, & Kansas. This month we have conducted appraisals in:

Nebraska – Knox, Harlan, Cuming, Adams, Dawson, Furnas
Kansas – Rooks, Saline, Harvey, Reno, Sheridan


We would love to hear from you! Have you used our services before? Maybe you know someone who has and you can share this information? We appreciate your reviews, either way. You can use the QR code below to submit your review on Google or share it with someone else. Please and thank you!


Online Auctions, Latest Tool to Sell Your Real Estate


An online real estate auction is a great tool to utilize in the growing world of technology that we live in today. As we all know, almost everyone today has a cell phone in their hand 24/7 and we have access to unlimited information and applications. Online auctions allow us to market and sell your property to buyers anywhere in the world in the palm of their hands.

Schedule your next online auction with NextAg Real Estate.
Consumers have been buying things online for a while now. Websites like eBay and Amazon allow us to buy things with a click of a button. Why can’t we do that with real estate properties? Well, we can! Here at NextAg Appraisal & Realty, we provide the services of selling your real estate property online where buyers can purchase the property with a click of a mouse or a button on their cell phone.



Dryland Cropland in Saunders County, Nebraska

Nice dryland cropland tract with Class II & IV soils. Tiling and terraces in place to help erosion control. Access is available from the north via gravel Main Road & from the south via MM County Road B.

Legal Description: W2NW4SW4 & W2SE4SW4 & SW4SW4 in Section 19-13N-6E of the 6th P.M. in Saunders County, Nebraska. (Parcel ID #000785500)

Total Acres: 82.04 +/-

2022 Real Estate Taxes: $4,440.64

Property Type: Dryland Cropland

Location: 1.5 Miles East of Valparaiso, Nebraska

Mineral Rights: All mineral interest the seller owns, if any, will be conveyed to the buyer(s).

Possession: Full possession will be given at the date of closing agreed to by the parties, subject to an oral lease agreement that terminates on February 29, 2024 (Lease termination notice has been given prior to September 1, 2023).

The property is being sold in AS-IS condition.


Wishing everyone a fun, safe, and Happy Halloween as we kick off the holiday season!


Live in the Midwest? We serve Nebraska, Iowa, & Kansas. This month we have conducted appraisals in:

Nebraska: Dawson, Furnas, Adams, Cuming, Nuckolls, Harlan, Saline, Jefferson, Thurston

Iowa: O’Brien


We would love to hear from you! Have you used our services before? Maybe you know someone who has and you can share this information? We appreciate your reviews, either way. You can use the QR code below to submit your review on Google or share it with someone else. Please and thank you!


We Know Farm Management


Our management services provide a hands on, personalized approach to the maintenance and preservation of your agricultural asset. Utilizing our backgrounds and experience we can “talk the talk” when it comes to agriculture. We can create lasting bonds with both landowners and tenants to build a strong lasting relationship while maximizing profits for your asset.

Our farm management services for absentee landowners include:


Dryland Cropland in Saunders County, Nebraska

Nice dryland cropland tract with Class II & IV soils. Tiling and terraces in place to help erosion control. Access is available from the north via gravel Main Road & from the south via MM County Road B.

Legal Description: W2NW4SW4 & W2SE4SW4 & SW4SW4 in Section 19-13N-6E of the 6th P.M. in Saunders County, Nebraska. (Parcel ID #000785500)

Total Acres: 82.04 +/-

2022 Real Estate Taxes: $4,440.64

Property Type: Dryland Cropland

Location: 1.5 Miles East of Valparaiso, Nebraska

Mineral Rights: All mineral interest the seller owns, if any, will be conveyed to the buyer(s).

Possession: Full possession will be given at the date of closing agreed to by the parties, subject to an oral lease agreement that terminates on February 29, 2024 (Lease termination notice has been given prior to September 1, 2023).

The property is being sold in AS-IS condition.


Live in the Midwest? We serve Nebraska, Iowa, & Kansas. This month we have conducted appraisals in:

Nebraska: Dakota, Thurston, Saunders, Franklin, Nance, Saline, Jefferson, Buffalo, Gage, Johnson, Lancaster

Kansas: Cheyenne, Logan, Harvey, Phillips, Clay


It’s harvest season and recently Ethan was out on location and picked some soybeans. Happy Harvest, everyone!


We would love to hear from you! Have you used our services before? Maybe you know someone who has and you can share this information? We appreciate your reviews, either way. You can use the QR code below to submit your review on Google or share it with someone else. Please and thank you!


Looking for Real Estate?


If you’re looking for rural land for sale or to list yours, we’ve got what you need! You can always view our current listings or talk to us about listing your property. We are here to answer any questions you may have and service, Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa. Reach out today!

Here is our NEW featured listing in Saunders County, Nebraska. Click to watch!


Live in the Midwest? We serve Nebraska, Iowa, & Kansas. So far in August, we have conducted appraisals in:

Nebraska: Saline, Gage, Lancaster, Johnson, Saunders, Nemaha, Dakota;

Kansas: Clay


We are always looking for real estate agents in our service areas to join our team. Please reach out to Ethan today!


We would love to hear from you! Have you used our services before? Maybe you know someone who has and you can share this information? We appreciate your reviews, either way. You can use the QR code below to submit your review on Google or share it with someone else. Please and thank you!