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Oral lease? Time to give notice…

ORAL LEASE It’s hard to believe the summer is complete. Kids are headed back to school, and harvest is just around the corner here in the Midwest. The corn has
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Weather conditions and crops this summer…

El Niño, La Niña Transition Could Affect Summer Madelynn Wuestenberg is an agricultural climatologist for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. This role is 100% Extension, so her time is
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Planting In Dry Conditions

CONSIDERATIONS FOR PLANTING IN DRY CONDITIONS As of April 11, 2024, the Nebraska Drought Monitor shows 55% of Nebraska in moderate to exceptional drought (D1-D4), compared to 98% a year
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Spring Conditions Update

MONITORING SPRING CONDITIONS IN THE MIDWEST Like you, we are also constantly monitoring conditions throughout the Midwest. You’ll find some of the resources we use below to stay on top
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Certified Appraisal OR Broker Price Opinion?

CERTIFIED APPRAISAL OR BROKER PRICE OPINION? Certified Appraisal VS. Broker Price OpinionA common question when it comes to valuing a real estate asset is what type of value do I
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Happy Holidays!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING Wishing everyone a very Happy Holiday season! Thank you for choosing NextAg Real Estate in 2023. You have truly made it a wonderful year and we look forward
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