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It’s hard to believe the summer is complete. Kids are headed back to school, and harvest is just around the corner here in the Midwest. The corn has tasseled and pollinated, and soybeans are starting to fill out pods. In many parts of the region, we’ve had timely rains, creating hope for a good harvest. With all the activities going on this time of year, the last thing on people’s minds is end-of-the-year decisions and the 2025 growing season. Time moves quickly and there are decisions to be made that will affect next year’s outcome. For example, if you are on an ORAL lease and thinking about making a tenant change or selling your property this fall or next spring, you must give your tenant notice in writing by September 1st of this year. In Nebraska, the oral lease period runs from March 1st to February 28th of the next year. Per Nebraska statute, you must give 6 months’ notice to your farm tenant to terminate a lease (September 1st) otherwise the tenant has the right to farm the next cropping season.
At NextAg we provide secure annual written leases to avoid any carry-over problems and allow for flexibility for any changes made before the start of a new lease and new crop season. Questions? Reach out today!


Below is the latest drought monitor for the High Plains region.


Live in the Midwest? We serve Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas. This month we’ve conducted appraisals in:

Nebraska – Loup, Dawson, Buffalo, Nuckolls, Harlan, Clay, Adams, Dodge, Lancaster, Thurston, Cuming, Seward

Iowa – Worth

Kansas – Mitchell, Republic


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