An online real estate auction is a great tool to utilize in the growing world of technology that we live in today. As we all know, mostly everyone today has a cell phone in their hand 24/7 and we have access to unlimited information and applications. Online auctions allow us to market and sell your property to buyers anywhere in the world in the palm of their hands. 

Schedule your next online auction with NextAg Real Estate.

Consumers have been buying things online for a while now. Websites like eBay and Amazon allow us to buy things with a click of a button. Why can’t we do that with real estate properties? Well, we can! Here at NextAg Appraisal & Realty we provide the services of selling your real estate property online where buyers can purchase the property with a click of mouse or a button on their cell phone. 

What are the advantages of an Online Real Estate Auction? 

There are some great advantages to using our Online Auction platform. For example, buyers can remain completely anonymous taking out any potential biases that an in-person auction might create. Another reason, like we talked about earlier, is that people can buy your property anywhere in the world if they have internet access. There is no longer the hinderance of remembering the auction location & time, or sitting for hours waiting for the sale of the property.

I know you’re probably thinking: But I still have to know when the auction starts and wait until the conclusion of the auction. This is not exactly the case! With our mobile app and internet platform, you can sign up for email and cell phone notifications. This will then alert you of when the auction starts, when outbids happen, and the conclusion of the auction. 

But I still have to sit on my computer or phone and bid each time, so I know I’ve bought the property, correct? Also, not the case! The online bidding platform allows you to enter a maximum bid, so you don’t have to sit through the whole auction process. The platform will bid on your behalf up to your maximum bid until another party has surpassed you. A notification will then come in when you have been outbid. In turn, you will just log on to our website or your phone and bid again or set another max bid. 


Overall, this is a great tool when selling your property because it allows you to have a larger pool of bidders, anonymity for those bidders, and an efficient and professional platform to get the most for your property. 

If you are thinking about possibly selling your property, feel free to reach out to me and I can provide a no-obligation consultation of the online auction process and quick market analysis of your property. 

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